Career Coaching

Whatever your career dilemma career coaching can bring a fresh and enabling perspective to your current situation helping you create confidence, clarity and direction. Taking time to review progress and plan specific goals for the future keeps people in control of their careers and should be considered an essential part of good career management. Occasionally one session may be all that is required to address an immediate issue. More usually a course of sessions of 1 hour duration will be required, working through a series of steps relevant to the individual's situation.

The Coaching Experience:

Within a supportive and confidential framework Patricia works with individuals to help them understand more clearly their own skills, values, beliefs and personal style and how these relate to their work performance and sense of fulfillment. A range of tools and techniques may be used as appropriate to client need, and typical elements might include some, or all of the following:
Review & analysis of career history
Self awareness exercises
Psychometric assessment
Exploring barriers to progress
Role-playing to develop skills
Establishing goals and action plans
"First say to yourself what you would be, & then do what you have to do."
A free, no obligation telephone assessment is considered essential prior to a first meeting.